原生前端开发问题总结 Summary of native front-end development issues

4 minute read




In the past few months, I have developed a simple questionnaire with instant feedback function based on native JS, and I have encountered many problems. As the project is about to end, here is a summary of the problems encountered, hope If someone later encountered a similar problem, this article can be helpful.

First of all, these problems are based on the native front-end and JS, and do not involve external frameworks or tools such as Bootstrap, Angular, VUE, Echarts, etc. If the readers encounter problems within the external framework, this article may not be of any help. .

问题描述与解决 Issue Statement & Solution

JS不自动执行 JS Not Auto-Run


In some browsers, as shown below, the JS file introduced in the HTML header file will not be automatically executed, such as IE10 and 360 browsers, which caused the relocation of HTML elements based on JS code to fail in this project.

<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js" defer="true"></script>


The solution is to use the tag to set meta information in the HTML file, which essentially tells the browser to replace the IE core with Edge to load the web page. The code is shown below.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

经测试修改后的网页可以在Chrome,Edge,IE10,360,FireFox,微信Windows客户端内置浏览器,iOS10+Safari浏览器内正确执行。在微信MacOS客户端内置浏览器与较早版本的iOS Safari浏览器上该方法依然无法解决此问题,如果一定要考虑使用这些不常用的浏览器的适配,引入新框架可能是必要的,也欢迎发现其他解决方案的读者留言。

After testing, the modified webpage can be executed correctly in Chrome, Edge, IE10, 360, FireFox, WeChat Windows client built-in browser, and iOS10+Safari browser. This method still cannot solve this problem on the built-in browser of WeChat MacOS client and the earlier version of iOS Safari browser. If you must consider the adaptation of these infrequently used browsers, it may be necessary to introduce a new framework. Readers who find other solutions are welcome to leave a message.

交互事件在不同浏览器上的适配 Adaptation of interactive events on different browsers


Take this element as an example here

<input type="range" id="myRange10" max="1" min="0" step="0.5" value="0" onchange="rangeChange(10)">


This is a basic drag-and-drop bar, but the drag-and-drop operation on the iOS browser does not work, you can only use click. If you need to solve this problem simply, you need to introduce a new framework.


Another example is the drag and drop event of the element. The code used on the computer browser is as follows:

dragCircle1.onmousedown = function(ev) {
	var ev = ev || event;
	var disX = ev.clientX - this.offsetLeft;
	var disY = ev.clientY - this.offsetTop;
	//if (dragCircle1.setCapture) {
	//	dragCircle1.setCapture();
	document.onmousemove = function(ev) {
		var ev = ev || event;
		var L = ev.clientX - disX;
		var T = ev.clientY - disY;
		var R = L + dragCircle1.offsetWidth;
		var B = T + dragCircle1.offsetHeight;

		// 此函数为更改最后位置的功能函数,故不列出 
		// This function is a function to change the last position, so it is not listed
		adsReturn = adsorption(L,R,T,B,boxWrap[0]); 
		dragCircle1.style.left = adsReturn[0] + 'px';
		dragCircle1.style.top = adsReturn[2] + 'px';
	return false;

dragCircle1.onmouseup = function() {
	console.log('dragPosition1: '+dragPosition);
	document.onmousemove = null;


But if you want to adapt the mobile browser, you need to add a touch event, as shown below, to make this function work normally on both the PC and the mobile terminal.

dragCircle2.ontouchstart = function(ev) {
	var ev = ev || event;
	var disX = ev.touches[0].clientX - this.offsetLeft;
	var disY = ev.touches[0].clientY - this.offsetTop;
	//if (dragCircle2.setCapture) {
	//	dragCircle2.setCapture();
	document.ontouchmove = function(ev) {
		var ev = ev || event;
		var L = ev.touches[0].clientX - disX;
		var T = ev.touches[0].clientY - disY;
		var R = L + dragCircle2.offsetWidth;
		var B = T + dragCircle2.offsetHeight;

		adsReturn = adsorption(L,R,T,B,boxWrap[0]);
		dragCircle2.style.left = adsReturn[0] + 'px';
		dragCircle2.style.top = adsReturn[2] + 'px';
	return false;

dragCircle2.ontouchend = function() {
	console.log('dragPosition: '+dragPosition);
	document.ontouchmove = null;

后端读写本地文件 Backend local files I/O



In different text encodings/different text editors, the number of characters occupied by the newline character is different, it may be 1 or 2, and you need to make a judgment when doing character processing. For example, the newline character occupies 1 character in the text editor that comes with Winscp software, but it is 2 in Windows Notepad.

In this project, because the server needs to read the text and send it to the front end as feedback, this problem was encountered. The uniform format and specification of text reading and writing can well avoid this kind of redundancy.

JS的矩阵计算 JS Matrix Calculation


In native JS, when constructing the same size matrix in the form of array, do not directly use the equal sign declaration, such as the following declaration, otherwise, in some cases, the data change of one will lead to the common change of the other.

Matrix2 =  Matrix1;

总结 Conclusion


Using native JS to write logic can avoid the complicated configuration environment when building simple web pages, but it will also increase the probability of encountering adaptation problems. You need to choose a suitable solution according to your specific needs.